Welcome to LFC Kids!
We are SO excited that you have decided to join us! Here at LFC Kids, we are passionate about walking alongside your children as they learn and grow in their relationship with Jesus. We don't just want your kids to know about Jesus, we want your kids to KNOW Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him! Read on to hear about the different classrooms and programs we offer.
**Please note: From Sunday, June 30th-Sunday, September 1st inclusive, LFC Kids is operating on our Summer Schedule. Our Nursery and Toddler Rooms are staffed and ready to serve your littles.
Check-In Procedure
When you arrive at LFC, make your way to the Check-In Counter where you will be greeted by one of our Check-In Volunteers. They will check your children into our system and provide you with a name tag for each child and a secure pick-up tag for your family. This pick-up tag will be required when picking up your kids from Kids Church at the end of the service. If your child needs assistance from you during the service, the pick-up code on your label will flash onto the screen. If you see your code on the screen, please make your way to the Check-In desk where a volunteer will meet you and take you back if needed.
Check-Out Procedure
At the end of the service, please make your way back to the Check-In desk. Please wait in front of the desk until one of our volunteers comes out to collect your pick-up tag. The volunteer will then go back and get your child(ren) from their classroom(s) and bring them out to you.
Nursery - 6 Months to 3 Years Old
Our Nursery is open to serve children from 6 Months to Age 3. Our nursery is a space where parents can either drop their children off in the care of our trained and screened volunteer team, or stay and play with their child while the service is broadcast to the room. We know it can be hard leaving your littles alone, especially when coming to a new place, which is why we operate our nursery the way we do! There are a variety of age appropriate toys for children ages 6 Months-Age 3 within the room and it's a great opportunity for your children to meet others their age, and for you to meet parents with kids the same age! We ask that if your child is in diapers, please change them into a clean diaper before checking them in, as our volunteers do not change diapers.
Toddler Room - Ages 3-5
This room contains a bit more energy than our nursery, as the kids will listen to praise and worship songs, read Bible stories, color, play with toys and connect with one another. Our toddlers are provided with a snack during this time.
Kindergarten to Grade 3 Class - On Summer Break
This year, we will continue working through our curriculum from "The Gospel Project for Kids". We will be journeying through the Bible, taking a closer look at how God's redemption plan is woven all throughout the Bible. Lessons will be taught in a Large Group Setting and will include worship, games and Bible learning! Children will complete a craft or activity in a small group as well. Students will be provided with a snack during Kids Church.
LFC Big Kids - Grades 4-6 - On Summer Break
Every other Sunday, LFC Big Kids are dismissed from the Worship Service prior to the sermon for their own teaching time beginning on Sunday, September 10, 2023. The LFC Big Kids Church Schedule is available HERE. The Big Kids Class will also be walking through "The Gospel Project for Kids" this year. LFC Big Kids also meet one Friday a month for an event, beginning on Friday, September 22, 2023. For more information on those events, or to see the schedule, please visit the LFC Big Kids Tab.
For more information on any of our Children's Ministry programs or how you can start volunteering in this ministry, please contact Rebecca Kay.